Egg Chapati

Egg chapati is something I fell in love with, at my "ex-office-snack-corner". This can be a perfect 4-O'clock snack or quick breakfast. Its quiet simple & my toddler loves it :). It is egg on chapati. You can also try this when you are lazy to make a curry for Chapatis.

Preparation time- 10 mins


Chapati- 1 no ( how to make one?)
Egg- 1 no
Pepper- a pinch
Salt to taste
Butter- 1 tsp
Tomato Ketchup- 1 tbsp

Beat an egg with salt and pepper.
Heat both sides of a chapati for a minute until lightly cooked. But don't wait till they starts changing color.
Reduce the flame. Pour egg on the center.
Slowly spread it on the entire chapati and wait for a minute or two till its half done.
Turn the chapati and wait till the egg is cooked properly. Add butter on top of the chapati.
Remove from flame. Roll it and pour some ketchup on top of it.

  • To make it more yummy add chopped onions or/and tomatoes on top of egg.